Miguel Somoza, the CEO of Sabbatical Entertainment, is devoted to providing top-notch media solutions. Sabbatical specializes in creating content that is both entertaining and educational, tailored to meet the preferences of diverse audiences. Their unique approach has led to the development of innovative ideas that have gained global recognition and expanded their presence in the market. A commitment to excellence, along with the passion and dedication of their employees, has earned them praise from the public and industry professionals. Sabbatical Entertainment's success can be attributed to their proactive approach to anticipating industry trends and their consistent commitment to innovation.
Over time, Sabbatical has evolved its production process. Initially, they used stock footage from well-known sources and outsourced production. However, as they expanded, they hired their own team of professionals, giving them more control and less reliance on external factors. Their documentaries now include on-location filming and interviews, blending current relevance with historical background.
Somoza believes in creating a culture of openness, accountability, confidence, and teamwork in his organization. Regular communication and goal-setting sessions ensure that everyone is working towards the same objectives. He also motivates and strengthens his team through opportunities for growth and recognition. Miguel's approach is to ‘THINK BIG’ and embrace opportunities while striving for excellence. Integrity is a fundamental value at Sabbatical Entertainment, and high ethical standards are maintained in all operations. He also emphasizes the importance of a clear and adaptable strategy to navigate challenges in the media industry, including being flexible and responsive to market trends and audience needs for success. In addition, he implores his team to embrace the 3Cs: creativity, communication, and cooperation. These principles guide their corporate strategy, fostering a culture of creativity, clear communication, trust in team members' abilities, and collaborative cooperation to achieve their goals.
Somoza outlines the company’s objectives by highlighting Sabbatical’s devotion to creating premium-quality, evergreen, customized content tailored to client and audience needs. They achieved this objective by developing an in-house production, utilizing premium stock footage and images while collaborating with talented editors to optimize efficiency and quality. Sabbatical’s programs are produced in various languages with the goal of entertaining audiences around the world. Remarkably, they achieved this goal in a short period of time with their series “The World Is Yours”, which airs in Spanish (“El Mundo Es Tuyo”) on UniMas and in English on CBS affiliates across the U.S. They now proudly “edu-tain” millions of viewers nationally every single week in two different languages. Lastly, Miguel’s overarching goal is to establish Sabbatical as a global brand and to do so successfully launched a new branch in Brazil, a local production company, enabling them to produce independent nationalized content to fill required governmental quotas.
For Somoza, actively participating in industry events such as Mipcom, held in Cannes every October, and other international media conferences allows his team to stay informed about emerging trends and adapt content strategy accordingly. In addition, the CEO recognizes the importance of expanding Sabbatical’s presence on digital platforms by investing in digital content production and distribution, reaching a broader online audience, and exploring new streaming media.
Moreover, The CEO believes the vast global entertainment market welcomes healthy competition and offers opportunities for all. Sabbatical Entertainment prides itself on being cost-efficient compared to competitors; this is an undisputable differentiator. Few companies, like theirs, focus on creating and delivering “the perfect content” at competitive rates. The company's dedication to creating content efficiently has been crucial for navigating difficult economic circumstances. Sabbatical is optimizing its cost efficiency with the use of Artificial Intelligence; they have managed to cut expenses without compromising the superior standards of their content. Furthermore, they have expanded their teams, called Sabbatical Squads, to different global locations, resulting in reduced expenses. The company is currently shifting from creating content in English and Spanish to including a third language, Portuguese. Sabbatical’s goal is to broaden their content offering by producing programs for different age groups and genres in various languages.
Somoza wants to make Sabbatical Entertainment stand out in the entertainment industry as an innovative and creative company. He is proud of their global reach and the fact that they have produced and distributed a large amount of original, high-quality content worldwide. Their production hubs are strategically located, allowing them to create unique content that appeals to viewers both domestically and internationally. Winding up, The CEO adds that they remain at the forefront of industry developments, tools, and technology, positioning Sabbatical for growth and success as they continue to “Think BIG!”
Miguel Somoza
Sabbatical Entertainment
At Sabbatical Entertainment, we have an unwavering focus on providing premium and profitable media solutions. Our team curates captivating and compelling content that not only entertains but also educates our audience through innovative storytelling and high-quality production capabilities. Sabbatical specializes in conceiving and distributing what we like to call "the perfect content."