Kirk Wiley, CEO of The Phoenix Group Profile

Kirk Wiley
The Phoenix Group

Kirk Wiley, CEO of The Phoenix Group Certificate

“Choose challenges as your daily activity; it will increase your efficiency and pave the way for success.”

The Phoenix Group, led by Kirk Wiley, is a values-driven firm that partners with process-focused businesses to drive operational excellence through process consulting and technical outsourcing. Their services are delivered with the utmost pride, professionalism, and perfection, and they strive for long-term improvement. Kirk Wiley has a unique perspective of The Phoenix Group’s service: He was a customer in the 1990s, and when he left General Motors to form a small consulting firm, he contracted his services to Phoenix. He was asked to join the Phoenix Group as an employee after the Phoenix Group noted his impact on client operations. Kirk was named CEO by the Board of Directors in 2018.

“WHAT we do can be copied, but HOW we do it has remained unique over the last 3 decades. Our clients and partners recognize us for bringing a spirit of possibilities and a focus on delivering on their goals. Our culture is a culmination of all the things our team members do, all the ways they interact, all the character they bring to their work, so we spend time nurturing that culture so that it contributes to our success. Phoenix is a team-based organization because nobody can do it alone. We establish well defined roles, support one another, and actively communicate as we deliver for clients " according to Kirk. “The Phoenix Way is obvious to customers as part of our deliverables, allowing us to stand out from the competition” adds Kirk.

“Our value proposition is built on a lifelong belief: In everything we do, we believe people impact performance. We unleash the potential of individuals by re-designing work, coaching professional judgement and technical skills, and executing strategy with discipline and optimism” says Kirk.In this era of new software and hardware sold as the answer to productivity challenges, Phoenix increases your return on those investments by ensuring your team leverages the new technology. A side benefit of this approach: people are more fulfilled by their work. As job fulfillment goes up, turnover drops, and your recruiting challenges evaporate.

Phoenix has 32 years’ experience delivering for clients, solving a range of problems.Here are some examples that shed light on The Phoenix Way, the source of Wiley’s pride.

Ford Motor Company identified downtime caused by issues with the forming die as a top cost driver. Phoenix created a formability system and applied it across 13 North American stamping operations, including training, coaching, and redesigning work. Ford reported a 75% reduction in downtime. Phoenix deployed multiple teams, leveraging individual expertise, a common knowledge base, and their standardized approach to change, with the outcome being a custom designed, and standardized implementation of The Ford Formability System.

World Auto Steel is a global consortium of leading steel producers that collaborates on engineering projects to improve steel's viability in the modern mobility sector. They turned to The Phoenix Group's technical engineering expertise to lead projects and provide strategic guidance.

After a decade of war and deployments, a new US Army commander took charge of the 417th Civil Affairs battalion and realized the immediate challenge was the combat readiness of individual soldiers. The Phoenix Group engaged Battalion leadership with a workshop to refocus on the mission and provided a new language for solving problems. Phoenix then applied classic value stream mapping to soldier readiness processes, eliminated waste, and identified the remaining bottleneck so the team would remain vigilant in managing it.

Phoenix has an unexpected source of competition: their clients. “When our clients consider working with us on a project, one alternative they often consider assigning the job to internal resources. Internal resources have built-in cost preferences and the comfort of familiarity at first glance”, says Kirk.Knowing this, Wiley leads his team to commit to client results, where client employees might be committed to simply showing up; develop a clear understanding of unwritten deliverables important to key decision makers,where employees might be satisfied completing tasks; and commit to communicating details to affected people where employees might leave people wondering. Employees are naturally distracted by overtime, vacation, promotions, and other factors that The Phoenix Group will never introduce.

Throughout its 32-year history, Phoenix has provided stability to its team. Kirk is only the fourth CEO and all have prioritized customer satisfaction. A quick interaction with any of the 200 team members in Canada, the United States, or Mexico might serve as a gauge of that devotion. Phoenix’s Net Promoter Score reveals customers rank them as world-class.


The Phoenix Group


Kirk Wiley
The Phoenix Group


The Phoenix Group works hard to create a unique culture that we call The Phoenix Way. It defines who we are and how we will work. We believe this culture is evident in everything we do and is readily apparent to our clients. We invite you to ask them yourselves.

Inspiring Leaders Magazine 2022