Rhonda F. Rhyne, CEO & Board Director of Prevencio Inc Profile

Aaron Meledeo
CEO & Founder
TekElement, LLC

Rhonda F. Rhyne, CEO & Board Director of Prevencio Inc Certificate

“Boost your business with stewardship”

We are "the human type of company," says Aaron Meledeo, CEO & Founder of TekElement, LLC, which provides Technology Managed Services (MSP), Datacenter & Cloud Hosting, Fiber Internet Services & Business Continuity, Cyber Security & Ransomware Breach Remediation, Retail & Hospitality Point of Sale Solutions, and Leadership & CTO Consulting. They stay true to their strong company culture and beliefs by giving small and medium-sized businesses around the world the best solutions and services.

TekElement adapts corporate technology solutions for data-centric small and medium-sized organizations. Aaron says TekElement helps clients use newer technologies and discard old systems and techniques. They think developing people and the company will build long-term customer relationships. The rest is "icing on the cake"—lowering IT expenses, improving business continuity, and meeting compliance and regulatory requirements reducing security and cyber risks.

Aaron shares, "As a young entrepreneur, I have to learn to use my mistakes as fuel for growth." He urges many novice companies to surround themselves with people who will help them improve. These people should feel comfortable providing constructive feedback to you and your plans. Despite disappointments, trust people; if you trust, customers will trust you and your product & services.

Through a strong culture people are enthusiastic about coming to work allowing the company to retain top talent. Choosing to define success by the level of positive impact the company’s culture can have on its people and our customers has proven my belief that increased business profits and continued monetary growth is a product of empowering people and treating them as human beings.

"Our innovative technology solutions and professional services vary from vertical to vertical and market to market," asserts Aaron. In general, we see that every small to medium-sized business is looking at how new technologies like cloud computing and AI telemetry can be used in their business.

Cloud computing and AI have been around for almost a decade. Take the typical 250-person small- to medium-sized business. They struggled with technology's "human factor." Integrating, installing, managing, supporting, maintaining, and protecting systems is a simple checklist of jobs, processes, and workflows that rarely change. Aaron explained that because people change every minute and have different work habits and devices (tablets, smart phones, etc.), there are more variables and challenges than most IT departments can handle, maintain, and keep safe according to NIST (National Institute of Standards for Technology).

Aaron says AI and SIEM can construct a profile for everyone with data and metrics on their activities on every device they use every second of every day. After defining a person's "identity" and behavior, more complex and individualized parameters can be set up for a heuristic and adaptive method of managing, assisting, and protecting people, who are always the weakest link in technology.

Aaron emphasizes relationships and strategic innovation in the competitive market. He could discuss this for hours. Most people define innovation as generating something new. He defines innovation as doing something better or acting where inaction existed. Strategic innovation could do the same thing for less money. Strategy and innovation also begin with a question and an analytical mindset of growth and logical reasoning. Why does this exist? What purpose does it serve? When is there an impact?  Where do I solve? Etc.

When asked how they helped clients Aaron provided many examples, one of which is when a consumer contacted TekElement after ransomware affected them. Two reputable technology firms told them "there isn't anything we can do," "your business is at the mercy of the malicious party and you should comply with their demands," and "this is how you got into this situation and this is what you should do to avoid it in the future, but we can't help you with this specific event unless you are willing to spend millions and then we still can't provide any guarantee." Aaron, who has admired this 40-year-old family-owned company, is astounded that larger corporations lack client interaction, stewardship, and fiduciary duty. TekElement restored and refurbished their technology and data in 10 days for less than 1/10th of the ransom.

Another customer approached TekElement to investigate their internal IT team's complacency to prevent self-inflicted turnover. TekElement accepted the challenge, and within a few months of reproducing their supportive, collaborative, and continuing education culture, the customers internal technology team grew and improved to match their business needs. TekElement is still the chief steward of IT for this customer's internal technology department and the team that works directly with TekElement, claims Aaron.

Aaron's long term goal is for TekElement to serve the technology needs of people and businesses worldwide while preserving its Christ-like foundation.Without such great people and care for our learning opportunities, this company would not exist.


TekElement, LLC


Aaron Meledeo
CEO & Founder
TekElement, LLC


Managed IT Service provider and Cloud Hosting Service provider with DaaS, IaaS, PaaS, and Security & Compliance expertise. We design and implement cost-effective and innovative IT solutions that allow our clients to scale quickly and efficiently to meet the ever-evolving needs of business.

Inspiring Leaders Magazine 2022